Irina V. Novitskaya

Doctor of Sciences
National Research Tomsk State University
Level of English proficiency
Educational program and field of the educational program for which the applicant will be accepted
Modern Languages. Linguistics
List of research projects of the potential supervisor (participation/leadership)
1) "Family Libraries of the Russian Aristocracy and the Problem of the Reader" (RFBR grant, project No. 19-012-00038 A), 2019–2021. Team member

2) "The Figurative System of the Russian Language in the Polydiscursive Space of Modern Communications" (RFBR grant No. 18-18-00194, for 2018–2020). 2018–2020. Team member

3) "Western European and Russian Graphics in the Stroganov Book Collection", 14.04.2017 -31.12.2017, supported by the "Scientific Foundation of D.I. Mendeleyev Tomsk State University" Program in 2017 (Project No. Team member

4) "Assessment of development programs and popularization of knowledge about child development", State support of leading universities of the Russian Federation in order to increase their competitiveness among the world's leading scientific and educational centers (5-100), TSU, 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2016, team member
List of the topics offered for the prospective scientific research
1) Variability of (prosodic, lexical, grammatical) characteristics of the language personality in the English-language and Russian-language discourse

2) (Structural, pragmatic, functional, terminological) features of the English-language (translation, methodological, etc.) discourse

3) A Language personality in a virtual English-language discourse

4) A Secondary language personality in a professional discourse

5) Specific features of the speech genre “voice message”

6) Linguocultural and lexicographic approaches to an analysis of the concept in the national worldview

7) Minority (Ugric) languages: trends in their structural development in the aspect of language contact studies
Supervisor’s main publications
Total number of publications in journals indexed by Web of Science, Scopus, RSCI over the past 5 years – 15

Most significant publications

1) Vorobeva V.V., Novitskaya I.V. A corpus approach to the analysis of syntactic Valency of the Khanty verbs of movement (the Vakh Khanty dialect)/Language and culture. 2023. Vol. 61. P. 29-46. doi: 10.17223/19996195/61

2) Vorobeva V.V., Novitskaya I.V. The Category of Case in Vakh Khanty: A Study of Recent LingvoDoc-Based Field Data. Oriental Studies. 2023;16(5):1382-1397. (In Russ.)

3) Vorobeva V.V., Novitskaya I. Inflectional morphology of nouns in Eastern Khanty (Vakh, Vasyugan, Surgut, Salym) // Урало-алтайские исследования, № 3(38), 2020. С. 33–70. DOI: 10.37892 / 2500-2902-2020-38-3-33-70

4) Vorobeva V., Novitskaya I., Dubrovskaya N. The Linguistic Portrait of Vakh-Vasyugan Khanty: Researchers, Materials, Methods // LINGUISTICA URALICA Vol. 57, Issue 2. 2021. pp. 136–148.

5) Novitskaya I.V. Count P.A.Valuev’s Multicultural Personality as a Fund-Generating Feature of His Book Collection Stored in the Scientific Library at Tomsk State University. Language and culture, 2021, Vol. 56. P. 76-91. DOI: 10.17223/19996195/56/5
Supervisor’s research interests
1) Research of the ethnoculture-specific images of the language consciousness (mental lexicon) of the speakers of a certain language in order to identify ethnic stereotypes about the most significant features of one's own and foreign people, manifested in interethnic relations

2) Methodology of the speech portrait description of a language personality to determine the linguistic and communicative features of the (collective) personality of a certain social community, to identify a cluster of speech indices of an individual, as well as the qualities of a language personality formed on the basis of the communicative properties of speech

3) Mechanisms and principles of assimilative processes in the receiving system during language contacts based on the material of minority languages ​​of the Finno-Ugric family

4) Corpus studies of the morphosyntactic and valence characteristics identified in the nominal and verbal vocabulary of minority languages ​​of the Finno-Ugric family, exploring the degree of morphological proximity of some territorial dialects of one language
Supervisor’s specific requirements
Relevant Master's degree with a minimum average grade of 60% in both the units taught and in the dissertation (or international equivalent of 60%)

Proficiency in English at a professional level and Russian at a level not lower than B1
Research highlights
A research project involves an extensive use of materials posted in online associative databases of the Russian language (SIBAS, EVRAS, RAS), French associative database; open access materials posted on the LingvoDoc research platform; the use of (semi)automatic speech recognition programs from video and audio sources (ELAN), work with archival materials, national language corpora
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