Evgeny V. Shilko
Tomsk state university
English level
Fluent conversation, writing papers
The direction of training for which the graduate student will be accepted
Computer simulation of the behavior of technical and natural materials under the action of mechanical and thermal loads
The code of the field of study for which the graduate student will be accepted
List of research projects of a potential supervisor
(participation /leadership)
1) Grant of the Russian Science Foundation 20-19-00743 "Development of a complex approach for qualitative improvement of functional properties of critical elements of high-loaded tribojunction nodes via the formation of gradient surface layers in macroheterogeneous polymetallic copper-based alloys"

2) State contract of IPPM SB RAS "Scientific bases for creating digital twins of materials and environments with hierarchical compositional structure and software for their virtual testing under static and dynamic thermomechanical effects"
List of possible research topics
1) Elaboration of contact-mechanical models for predicting and actively controlling the processes of wear and growth of the cartilaginous layer in the human hip joint

2) Development of hybrid numerical methods combining the formalisms of discrete elements and finite elements / differences for predicting the dynamic mechanical properties of permeable fluid-saturated materials

3) Development of the formalism of the method of discrete
elements for computer modeling of the processes of friction and wear in highly loaded nodes of tribojunctions

main publications
Grinyaev Y.V., Chertova N.V., Shil`ko E.V. Lagrangian Formalism for the Analysis of Acoustic Properties of Two-Phase Composite Materials with Damaged Interfaces // Mechanics of Composite Materials. 2022. Vol. 58, № 4. P. 453‒470. DOI: 10.1007/s11029-022-10042-1

Lapshina A.A., Eremina G.M., Shilko E. V. Strain rate dependence of mechanical characteristics of fluid-saturated biologicaltissues under uniaxial compression // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2022. Vol. 2509, № 1. Art. num. 020123. DOI: 10.1063/5.0085449

Shilko E. V., Grigoriev A.S., Smolin A.Y. A discrete element formalism for modelling wear particle formation in contact between sliding metals //Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering. 2021. Vol. 19, № 1. P. 7-22.

E.V. Shilko, A.Y. Smolin, G.M. Eremina, V.A. Skripnyak, E.G. Skripnyak, V.V. Skripnyak, et al. Multiscale Biomechanics and Tribology of Inorganic and Organic Systems. New York: Springer, 2021. 571 p. (Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering).

Konovalenko Ig.S., Shilko E.V., Konovalenko Iv.S. Influence of pore fluid on the compressive strength of high-strength concrete under dynamic loading //Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2020. Vol. 1666. P. 012022-1-012022-6.

Estimation of the Diffusion Coefficient of Doxorubicin Molecules in a Water Solution in the Volume of a Porous Carrier Medium / Shil`ko E.V., Dudkin I.V., Smolin A. Yu., Krukovskij K.V. [et al] // Russian Physics Journal. 2020. Vol. 62, № 12. P. 2319‒2323. DOI: 10.1007/s11182-020-01983-y
Dimaki A.V., Shilko E.V., Dudkin I.V., Psakhie S.G., Popov V.L. Role of adhesion stress in controlling transition between plastic, grinding and breakaway regimes of adhesive wear // Scientific Reports. – 2020 –V. 10 – P. 1585

Grigoriev A.S., Shilko E.V., Skripnyak V.A., Psakhie S.G.Kinetic approach to the development of computational dynamic models for brittle solids // International Journal of Impact Engineering. – 2019 – V. 123 – P. 14-25.

Shilko E.V., Dimaki A.V., Psakhie S.G. Strength of shear bands in fluid-saturated rocks: a nonlinear effect of competition between dilation and fluid flow // Scientific Reports.
– 2018 – V. 8 – P. 1428

Psakhie S.G., Dimaki A.V., Shilko E.V., Astafurov S.V. A coupled discrete element-finite difference approach for modeling mechanical response of fluid-saturated porous materials // International Journal for Numerical Methods
in Engineering.
– 2016 – V. 106 – P. 623-643.

Shilko E.V., Grinyaev Yu.V., Popov M.V., Popov V.L.,Psakhie S.G. Nonlinear effect of elastic vortex-like motion on the dynamic stress state of solids // Physical Review E.
- 2016 - V.93. - P.053005.
Supervisor’s research interests
Development of the mathematical formalism of particle-based numerical methods including discrete element method, dissipative particle dynamics, etc.

Development of the models of the dynamic mechanical behavior of composite materials including permeable
fluid-saturated solids

Numerical study of the mechanisms of wear at different scales

Numerical analysis of the mechanical behavior of biological
tissues under dynamic loading

Development of the DEM-based software for computer modeling of deformation and fracture of technical and biological materials
Supervisor’s specific requirements
Numerical simulation experience

Competence in numerical methods

Knowledge of the fundamentals of mechanics of a deformable solid and solid state physics
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