Zoya I. Rezanova
Doctor Science
(Tomsk State University)

Tomsk State University
English proficiency
Area of research for which the graduate student will be accepted
5.12.3. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics
5.9.8. Interdisciplinary language studies
The code of the field of study for which the graduate student will be accepted
List of research
projects of a
potential supervisor
(participation /leadership)
Risk-communication in healthcare in the context of infodemic: transformations of meanings in socially relevant discourses, grant from the Russian Science Foundation on. 2023
Person in the context of social and technological challenges of our time: cognitive modeling using artificial intelligence, Reg. No. NIOKTR 122011200312-7, grant from the Priority 2030 program, project manager
Identification of the dynamics of cognitive structures in a virtual multilingual information and communication environment: intelligent systems and technologies. Grant from the Priority 2030 program, NU 2.3.1 22 LMU,
“WORLD2NEWS – Creation of a web service for automatic analysis and synthesis of news texts” 2019-2020. Research work: No. I - 94201 12/10/2019 - 10/28/2020, project manager.
Linguistic corpus "Tomsk regional text": concept and structure. Grant from RGNFregion (2015)
Language and ethno-cultural variability of Southern Siberia: Language and сulture interaction, the gгаnt оf the Government of the Russian Federation № 14Y26.31.00.14.
Cognitive language studies. D. Mendeleev Foundation grant, 2014-2015 TSU.
Cognitive Research on the Interaction of Language and Cognition D. Mendeleev Grant Foundation, 2015-2016 TSU
Tomsk city text as a mechanism for modeling the socio-cultural space of the city. Russian Foundation for Humanities (RGNF) (RFH)-region, 2009
Discourse multivariation of modern Siberian city inhabitants as a result of socio-cultural dynamics of the Russian province. Russian Foundation for Humanities RGNF (RFH), 2007
The Soviet culture in modern society: Transformation and Prospects (Tomsk Research Group). INO-Center, the program "Centers for Interregional Studies in the Social Sciences" (MION), 2008.
Nostalgia for the Soviet in the social and cultural context of modern Russia. INO-Center, the program "Centers for Interregional Studies in the Social Sciences" (MION), 2008
Mechanisms of Language Modeling of Virtual Reality. INO-Center, the program "Centers for Interregional Studies in the Social Sciences" (MION), 2004-2005
Metaphorical fragment of the Russian language picture of the world INO-Center, the program "Centers for Interregional Studies in the Social Sciences" (MION), 2000-2001
Russian language in the distance education system: concept, methodology and materials.” Federal target program “Russian language”, 2001, project No. 178.
"Word-formation system of Middle Ob dialects." Grant from the Ministry of General and Professional Education 1994-1995, N
List of possible research topics
Deviations from the speech standard in the speech of a bilingual (educational, natural bilingualism, heritage native speakers)
Corpus modeling of non-native speakers speech
Cognitive processing of L2 grammatical categories (target language Russian, L-1 Turkic, Indo-European languages, Chinese)
Cognitive processing of emotional vocabulary (emotional text) by bilinguals
Bilingual reading
Comparative linguistic-cognitive studies: problems of conceptualization, metaphorical modeling, perceptual semantics
research interests
Modeling discursive pictures of the world, refracted in relation to socially relevant topics and discourses
Research in the field of experimental cognitive psycholinguistics. The main research problem is the uniqueness of cognitive processing of Russian language units in the processes of speech production and perception.
Study of bilingualism: linguistic, cognitive, psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic aspects of the interaction between the socially and functionally dominant Russian language and maternal languages
specific requirements:
Requirements of a potential supervisor
Basic level of application of statistical methods of data analysis
When choosing a specific research track
Basic knowledge of experimental research and/or
In the field of corpus representation of languages
knowledge of programming languages R, Python
main publications
1) Alina V. Vasilyeva Zoya I. Rezanova. Cognitive Processing of Emotional Words by Russian Native Speakers and Heritage Turkic-Speaking Bilinguals// Advances in Cognitive Research, Artificial Intelligence and Neuroinformatics Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cognitive Sciences, Intercognsci-2020, October 10-16, 2020, Moscow, Russia. Editors Boris M. Velichkovsky, Pavel M. Balaban, Vadim L. Ushakov. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-71637-0_42.
2. Zoya Rezanova, Olga Sologub. Post-Truth & Cyberspace // Interface. Journal of European Languages and Literatures..Issue 14 (Spring 2021), pp. 1-3 DOI: 10.6667/interface.14.2021.128.
3.Noam Siegelman, Irina Elgort at al Rethinking First Language–Second Language Similarities and Differences in English Proficiency: Insights From the ENglish Reading Online (ENRO) Project// Language Lerning. May. 2023. Pp. 1-46.
4. Belogorskaya D.V., Rezanova Z.I. Linguistic evaluation of automatically generated abstracts of news texts // Language and Culture. 2023. No. 61. pp. 15–28. doi: 10.17223/19996195/61/2doi: 10.17223/19996195/61/55
5. Rezanova Z.I., Vladimirova V.E. Ratings of the perceptual modalities contribution to the semantics of words in relation to parts of speech and lexico-grammatical categories// Tomsk State University Journal. 2023. No. 487. pp. 30–41. doi: 10.17223/15617793/487/4.

Results of intellectual activity
Bimodal corpus of oral speech of residents of the South Siberian region" / Certificate of state registration of the database No. RU 2019620803. Co-author: Artemenko E.D., Bub A.S. et al.
2. Corpus of news texts and press releases “World2News” / Certificate of state registration of the database No. 2020622517. Co-author Aisheva D.A., Bocharov A.V et al.
3. Software package for the “World2News” web service for computers. / Certificate of state registration of the program No. 2020666806 Co-author. Aisheva D.A., Bocharov A.V. at al.
4. Psycholinguistic database of evaluations of words of the Russian language RUWORDPERCEPTION // Certificate of registration of the database No. 2021622890. Co-author: Artemenko E.D., Bub A.S. et al.
5. Psycholinguistic database TurkWordPerception:
assessments of words in the Tatar and Khakass languages by modalities of perception // Database Registration Certificate No. 2022622589. October 21, 2022 Co-author. Burnakova A., Vladimirova V.E. et al.
6. Psycholinguistic database RuTurkPsychLing: assessments of words of Russian, Tatar, Khakass languages according to the parameters “familiarity”, “temperature”, “location in space”, “size”, “emotionality” and “manipulability” // CERTIFICATE of state registration of the database No. 2022622657 October 27, 2022 Co. Vladimirova V.E. , Dibrova V.S. et al.

Postgraduate students can join experimental and corpus studies of bilingualism, conducted at TSU on the basis of the Laboratory of Linguistic Anthropology, the Laboratory for Cognitive Studies of Language, equipped with equipment and software for conducting modern behavioral psycholinguistic research and research. including oculographic equipment such as Eyelink 1000 Plus (video recording frequency up to 2000 Hz.) and SMI Red 500 (video recording frequency up to 500 Hz.),. E-Prime versions 2.0 (1 license key) and 3.0 (2 keys), supplemented with remotes for answers in psychophysiological and linguistic experiments: Cedrus RB-740 (1 piece), Cedrus RB-840 (1 piece), Cedrus RB-540 ( 1 piece), Cedrus RB-844 (1 piece), Chronos PST-100430, used for experimental psycholinguistic research (behavioral experiments with the collection of information about the reaction time). Automatic data processing uses the resources of the Skif supercomputer, which has the following characteristics: processor: intel i7, RAM: ~ 100GB, graphical interface: Nvidia Tesla K80, 11GB.
Research highlights
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