Olga A. Obdalova
National Research Tomsk State University
English level
Proficiency C 2
The direction of training for which the graduate student will be accepted
5.8.2 Education and educational sciences (pedagogy)
5.8.7 Methodology and technology of vocational education (pedagogy)
5.9.8. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics (philological sciences)
The code of the field of study for which the graduate student will be accepted
Specialization 13.00.02 Theory and methodology of teaching and education (foreign languages)
List of research projects of a potential supervisor
(participation /leadership)
1) Project No. NU, completed within the framework of the TSU Competitiveness Improvement Program
Cognitive, sociolinguistic and pragmatic aspects of intercultural communication in teaching foreign language discourse
2) PROJECT No. NU, completed within the framework of the TSU Competitiveness Improvement Program
Discourse analysis in cognitive, sociolinguistic and linguopragmatic aspects in teaching intercultural communication
3) Project No. NU ML (Competition of research projects of laboratories with the involvement of leading scientists), within the framework of the Development Program of Tomsk State University (Priority-2030).
List of possible research topics
Cognitive foundations of the functioning of the mechanisms of perception and production of foreign language discourse in intercultural communication
Development of modern technologies for teaching foreign languages, taking into account cognitive
discursive factors of foreign language communication Multilingual and ethno-oriented language teaching
Social-cognitive approach to teaching and learning a foreign language
Modern technologies for teaching a foreign language taking into account digital communication formats
Theory, methodology and practice of developing and using electronic educational resources in teaching and upbringing (foreign languages, by level of education)
Scientific and methodological foundations of distance, network and blended learning technologies (foreign languages, by level of education)
Humanization and personalization in professional education.
Design of content, methods, didactic systems and technologies of vocational education. Systems for designing and assessing the results of vocational education. (During the course of the Interview the topic may be modified according to specific area of scientific interest of the applicant)
main publications
  1. Obdalova, O.A., Kharapudchenko, O.V., Soboleva, A.V., Minakova, L.Y. (2022). Interactive Technology in Teaching English Oral Academic Discourse to Master Students. In: Anikina, Z. (eds) Integration of Engineering Education and the Humanities: Global Intercultural Perspectives. IEEHGIP 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 499. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-11435-9_6
  2. Olga A. Obdalova, Alena V. Ragozina, Plurilingual Teaching of a Second Foreign Language for Students from Southeast Asia Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta – Tomsk State University Journal, 2021, 465, 164–171. DOI: 10.17223/15617793/465/22
  3. Obdalova, O., Minakova, L., Soboleva, A. (2020). Developing Academic Skills via Greek and Latin Vocabulary Teaching. In: Anikina, Z. (eds) Integrating Engineering Education and Humanities for Global Intercultural Perspectives. IEEHGIP 2020. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 131. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-47415-7_40
  4. Olga A. Obdalova, Ludmila Yu. Minakova, Aleksandra V. Soboleva (2019). Indirect reporting and pragmatically enriched context: A case study into Russian learners of English. Pragmatics & Cognition, Volume 26, Issue 1, Dec 2019, p. 85 – 111. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/pc.19011.obd
  5. Kecskes, I., Obdalova, O., Minakova, L., & Soboleva, A. (2018). A study of the perception of situation-bound utterances as culture-specific pragmatic units by Russian learners of English. System, 76, 219-232. doi: 10.1016/j.system.2018.06.002

Chiknaverova, K., & Obdalova, O. (2022). Affecting students’ motivation to foster foreign language
acquisition: Juggling pedagogical tools and psychological diagnostics in the university classroom. In R. Al-Mahrooqi & C. J. Denman (Eds.), Individual and contextual factors in the English language classroom: Theoretical, pedagogical, and empirical approaches (pp. 163-184). Springer
Supervisor’s research interests
Development of innovative methodological models, techniques and methods of teaching foreign language discourse, taking into account the professional orientation of the educational process; recommendations for the development of various components of foreign language competence in students.
specific requirements
• The need to register in the MOODLE system of Tomsk State University.
• Relevant master's degree with a minimum average grade of 60% in both the units taught and the dissertation (or international equivalent of 60%).
• Proficiency in English or Russian at a professional level.
• Need to create a research proposal.

Research highlights
The program is implemented within the framework of the scientific school “Cognitive-discursive approach in intercultural communication” under the leadership of Doctor of Pedagogics. Sc., Professor of the Department of Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Interdisciplinary Research in Education, TSU O.A. Obdalova, as well as within the framework of research projects of the Laboratory of Sociocognitive Linguistics and Teaching Foreign Language Discourse (head of the laboratory, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Olga Andreevna Obdalova) through the implementation of scientific projects in interaction with foreign scientists: Kecskesh Istvan, professor at the State University of New York, Albany (USA).
It is possible to defend a PhD dissertation from TSU in specialty 5.8.2 – theory and methods of teaching and education (foreign languages)

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