Olga P. Nedospasova
Tomsk State University
English level
The direction of training for which the graduate student will be accepted
5.2.3 Regional and sectoral economics,
5.2.6 Management
The code of the field of study for which the graduate student will be accepted
List of research projects of a potential supervisor
(participation /leadership)
The main performer in the project under the grant of the RNF 19-18-00300 on the topic "Institutions for realizing the resource potential of the older generation in the aging economy" (2019-2021).
The main performer in the project under the RFBR grant 19-010-00984 on the topic "Development of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the involvement of older people in regional society" (2019-2020).
The main performer under the RFBR grant is VASON on the topic "The impact of the regional technological space on the quality of life of the elderly population", project No. 21-510-92007.
Participant of the Erasmus+ academic mobility program jointly with the University of Jönköping, Sweden (2019-2021). Member of the international team of researchers under the grant of the Swedish Foundation for Support of International Cooperation in the Field of science and education "STINT" (2021).
List of possible research topics
Human capital accumulation, corporate social investment, labor and employment market transformation, elderly well-being, silver economy

main publications
Web of Science, Scopus, RSCI (2019-2023) – 13 articles
The main of them
1) Kefeng, Yu. The Impact of Digital Divide on Household Participation in Risky Financial Investments: Evidence From China / Yu. Kefeng, Zh. Xiaoxia, O. P. Nedospasova // Changing Societies & Personalities. – 2023. – Vol. 7, No. 1. – P. 113-129. – DOI 10.15826/csp.2023.7.1.221. – EDN ESJDYG.

2) Капитал здоровья старшего поколения: социологические данные для оценки процессов накопления и сохранения (на примере Томской области) / Г. А. Барышева, О. П. Недоспасова, И. А. Павлова [и др.] // Вестник Томского государственного университета. – 2022. – № 484. – С. 194-206. – DOI 10.17223/15617793/484/22. – EDN QJGLZL.

3) Вовлеченность пожилых людей в процессы современных цифровых трансформаций / Г. А. Барышева, Е. И. Клемашева, О. П. Недоспасова [и др.] // Успехи геронтологии. – 2022. – Т. 35, № 1. – С. 68-75. – DOI 10.34922/AE.2022.35.1.007. – EDN NDSBJL.

4) Differentiation of satisfaction with the quality of life of the older generation in Russia Shibalkov, I.P., Nedospasova, O.P., Pavlova, I.A., Boykov, V.A. Advances in gerontology = Uspekhi gerontologii, 2022, 35(6), P.900–910

5) Satisfaction with the quality of life in the Russian regions in the context of realizing the resource potential of elderly people Shibalkov, I.P., Nedospasova, O.P., Pavlova, I.A., Rozhdestvenskaia, E.M. Advances in gerontology = Uspekhi gerontologi, 2021, 34(3), P.454–460

6) Expert Assessmentsof Loneliness among Older Adults:Identifying Reasons and Providing Solutions / F. Casati, G. Barysheva, O. Nedospasova [et al.] // Журнал исследований социальной политики. – 2020. – Vol. 18, No. 2. – P. 331-342. – DOI 10.17323/727-0634-2020-18-2-331-342. – EDN MWTAHX.

7) Educational impact on older adults’ well-being: a local case for general conclusion / G. A. Barysheva, A. A. Mikhalchuk, I. Kareholt [et al.] // Business Management Theories and Practices in a Dynamic Competitive Environment Proceedings 12th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, September 18-20 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece: — United Kingdom: EuroMed Press, 2020. — [P. 55-70]

Results of intellectual activity
Certificate of state registration of the database No. 2021621757 Russian Federation. Database of the main parameters of the quality of life of the older generation in the Tomsk region in 2019-2020: No. 2021621634: application. 08/09/2021: publ. 08.18.2021 / G. A. Barysheva, I. A. Pavlova, E. M. Rozhdestvenskaya, O. P. Nedospasova; applicant Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University". – EDN IBXMSJ.

Supervisor’s research interests
Corporate investment in human capital accumulation and Wellbeing programs, social policy, labor market transformation, well-being of older people, silver economy

Supervisor special requirements
Experience in conducting quantitative and qualitative research, ability to work with statistics, experience in preparing scientific texts required
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