Olga V. Nagel
Tomsk State University
English level
Proficiency C 2
The direction of training for which the graduate student will be accepted
5.8. Pedagogy, 5.8.2. Pedagogy (Theory and Methods of Teaching and Upbringing (Foreign Languages)
5.12. Cognitive sciences
5.12.3. Interdisciplinary studies of language

The code of the field of study for which the graduate student will be accepted
Specialization 13.00.02 Theory and methodology of teaching and education (foreign languages)
List of research projects of a potential supervisor
(participation /leadership)
  1. TSU grant to finance research within Strategic project initiative “Socio-humanity engineering: study and design of a human being and society” Topic: Metacognitive Approach to Designing Educational Environment for Learning Foreign Languages: Personal Experience, Strategies and Academic Achievement leading team member (2023-2024)
  2. RFBR grant: Competition for the best projects of fundamental scientific research (A). Registration № AAAA-A20-120011590115-8 Topic: A toolkit to assess development of functional bilingual characteristics in students majoring in foreign languages (2020-2022гг.) Head of the project.
  3. TSU grant to finance development of the MOOC. Course title: Interaction of languages ​​and cultures: preserving and expanding our identity (on the example of studying the Tatar language. Head of the project/co-author (2018).
  4. "Scholarship program of Vladimir Potanin" No. GPK-46/17 dated 06.06.2017. Topic: Experimental linguistics: from theory to practice. Head of the project (2017-2018)
  5. Mega-grant under the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation issued April 9, 2010 No. 220 (contract No. 14. у26.31.0014) Topic "Linguistic and Ethno cultural Variability of Southern Siberia: Interaction of Languages ​​and Cultures", leading team member
  6. Research work "Experimental studies of the forms and methods of mutual influence of language and cognition" (Scientific Fund of the Tomsk State University named after D.I. Mendeleev, project no., leading team member
  7. Research work "Cognitive studies of language" (Scientific Foundation of Tomsk State University named after D.I. Mendeleev, 2014), leading team member
  8. The Nordic-Russian Cooperation Programme 2015 Networking and mobility of students (MA, PhD) and academic staff between partner institutions in Russia, Finland and Norway in the area of experimental linguistics NCM-RU-2015/1004, leading team member
  9. RFBR grant to support research work of a PhD student from the Surgut State Pedagogical University in Surgut at the Tomsk State University. No. 11-06-90750 mob_st. (2011). Head of the project
List of possible research topics
  • Code switching and native language transfer when mastering a foreign language.
  • Bilingual education and psycholinguistic mechanisms of language code switching.
  • Multimodal learning impact on the efficiency of perception and processing of a foreign language utterance.
  • Modeling a learning process based on inner mechanisms of construction and use of language units: Acquisition of word-building models case study.
main publications
  • Gabriel, U., Kim, J., Öttl, A., Gygax, P., Cui, L., Hyönä, J. and Nagel, O., 2023. Norms on the Gender Perception of Role Nouns: Gender Ratio Data for Chinese, Finnish, and Russian. Journal of Open Psychology Data, 11(1), p.2.DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/jopd.73
  • Korochistova Iu.A., Nagel O.V. The ecology of social processes, communication and learning. Chelovek: Obraz i suschnost’. Gumanitarnyje aspekty. 2023. №2 (54) DOI: 10.31249/chel/2023.02.08
  • Lee B. V., Nagel O.V. Сonversational simulators in the formation of communication skill of dialogic speech. Language and Culture. 2022;59: 254-270 doi: 10.17223/19996195/59/14
  • Nagel O.V., Temnikova I.G. The Interdisciplinary Approach to Bilinguals' Profiling in the Educational Context // Languages and migration in a globalized world. 2020.Moscow. RUDN. P. 328-333.
  • Alyunina Y.M., Nagel O.V. The Influence of Modern English Loanwords on the Verbal Code of Russian Culture // Russian Journal of Linguistics. - 2020. - Т. 24. - №1. - C. 176-196. doi: 10.22363/2687-0088-2020-24-1-176-196

Supervisor’s research interests
  • Language perception as a means to study human behavior, linguistic aspects of cognition and information processing issues. Research interest is focused on language and its connection with mental processes.
  • Experimental methods of modern linguistics applicable to solving the problem of understanding the nature of language and speech from cognitive and psycholinguistic perspective for applied purposes
  • Development and testing of a set of diagnostic tools aimed at identifying the key characteristics of functional bilingualism among students of linguistic areas of training (English).
  • Development, testing, localization and implementation of modern effective teaching methods based on achievements in the field of linguistics, psycholinguistics and cognitive linguistics.
specific requirements
Ability to work within experimental research paradigm
• Basic data processing skills
• Relevant Master's degree with a minimum average grade of 60% in both the units taught and in the dissertation (or international equivalent of 60%).
• Proficiency in English at a professional level and Russian at a level not lower than B1
Research highlights
Laboratory of Linguistic Anthropology (http://illa.tsu.ru/) aimed at the study of laws of language interaction in the minds of bilinguals of various nature. The laboratory is equipped with the apparatus and Software to conduct behavioral experiments: hardware (E-prime, Eye-tracking software) and non-hardware (printed and online questionnaires and surveys). The laboratory resources and staff provide opportunity to conduct research in collaboration with leading linguists and psychologists from the University of Turku, Finland: Raymond Bertram, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Psychology and Language Pathology, University of Turku, Turku, Finland; Jukka Uolevi Hyönä, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Turku, Turku, Finland
Laboratory for Sociocognitive Linguistics and Teaching Foreign Language Discourse where the research is carried out in cooperation with foreign scientists: Kechkesh Istvan, professor at the State University of New York, Albany (USA), Kirner-Ludwig Monica, associate professor of the Department of English, University of Innsbruck ( Austria).
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