Elena V. Khahalkina
Doctor of Science/PhD in History, National Research Tomsk State University
National Research Tomsk State University
English proficiency
Certificate B1 Level, The Oxford Online Placement Test British English
Area of research for which the graduate student will be accepted
Political and history sciences
The code of the field of study for which the graduate student will be accepted


List of research projects of a potential supervisor
(participation /leadership)

RFBR Grant, Project “Political construction of a university city in the emerging image of the future of Russia”

State support of the leading universities of the Russian Federation in order to increase their competitiveness among the world's leading research and educational centers (5-100) on the topic “Brexit and coronavirus as non-systemic challenges of the European Union in the context of common European identity”

RFBR grant, Project “Expansion” No. 19-111-50244. “The new face of Europe: the phenomenon of right-wing populism on the example of individual countries of the European Union”

Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young doctors of sciences on the topic “National identity in the conditions of open borders of the EU

Grant of the European Commission, program “European module”, theme: “Great Britain in the European Union: past and present”

Grant of the Government of the Russian Federation on the topic: “Man in a Changing World. Problems of Identity and Social Adaptation in History and Modernity”
List of possible research topics
Dilemmas of National and European Identity in Britain

Brexit: its causes and consequences

The role of Personality (Prime-misters of other politicians) in British history

Changes in British Foreign Policy after World War II
Britain and the EU – “Special relationship”?
Supervisor’s research interests:
European integration, the UK and the European Union, multiculturalism, European identity, Russia and Britain, Migration Processes in Europe, University cities on the example of Britain and other countries

main publications:
1. Khakhalkina E.V. et al. The Future of Europe. The Reform of the Eurozone and Deepening of Political Union / Lisbon, Portugal: AAFDL Editora, 2017. 582 p.
2. Khakhalkina E.V. Review on: Pasi Ihalainen. The Springs of Democracy: Natiobal and Transnational Debates on Constitutional Reform in the British, German, Swedish and Finnish Parliaments, 1917-1919. (Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2017). 586 pp. //Ab imperio. 2019. № 4. С. 36-42.
3. Khakhalkina E.V., Grosheva G.V. Russian Migration Research in Transnational Discourse: Theoretical and Empirical Aspects // Journal of International Migration and Integration, 2019. No 6. P. 12723-12729.
4. Khakhalkina E.V. English School. Chronicle of a scientific brand // International Trends. 2018. Vol. 16, No. 1. P. 177-180.
5. Kuznetsova M.A., Khakhalkina E.V. The processes of transformation of Britain's national identity in the context of Brexit // Bulletin of the Tomsk State University. History. 2018. No. 53. P. 52-58.
6. Khakhalkina E.V., Andreev K.P., Munko A.V. The new face of the European Union: the phenomenon of right-wing populism on the example of individual EU countries // MGIMO Review of International Relations. 2020. V. 13, No. 6. P. 99‒132. DOI: 10.24833/2071-8160-2020-6-75-99-132
7. Khakhalkina E.V. “Global Britain”: from idea to implementation // Contemporary Europe. 2021. No. 1. P. 21-32.
8. Khakhalkina E.V., Pogorelskaya A.M. Development assistance or migration management? (Analysis of the European approach) // World Economy and International Relations. 2022. V. 66, No. 2. P. 80–89. DOI: 10.20542/0131-2227-2022-66-2-80-89
9. Khakhalkina E.V. Britain, Brexit and the Challenges of Post-Imperial Identity: A Review of Embers of Empire in Brexit Britain. Ed. by Stuart Ward and Astrid Rasch. London, New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019. 190 p. // Bulletin of the Tomsk State University. History. 2022. No. 79. P. 201–205. DOI: 10.17223/19988613/79/25
10. Khakhalkina E.V. Universities at the Crossroads: New Meanings and Growth Points in the Digital Reality: Book Review of: Osmuk, L.A. (Ed.). (2022). L’université et la ville: dialogue dans le discours post-industriel sur l’exemple de la Russie et de la France: monographie. Novossibirsk: NSTU Publ. // Bulletin of RUDN University. Series: psychology and pedagogy. 2023. Vol. 20, No. 1. P. 183–190. DOI: 10.22363/2313-1683-2023-20-1-183-190
11. Mikhailenko V.I., Khakhalkina E.V. Ch. 1. History of International Studies in Russia: from Ideology to Theory // The Routledge Handbook of Russian International Relations Studies. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2023. P. 9‒25.
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